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Doors & Windows Glass

Doors & Windows Glass

LOW-E Toughened Glass For Door And Windows

Of all the options and accessories to consider for your windows, the most important is really the most obvious, the glass. Accounting for up to 80% of a window's real-estate, glass can make or break the overall performance of your system.

Many homeowners today are looking for ways they can contribute to global energy-efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Energy-efficient (LOW-E) glass is an excellent place to start. The glass you select is the single most important component when considering energy efficient windows and patio doors.

R & B Glass Industries offers high performance Low E toughened Glass which offer performance enhancing benefits for year round comfort and savings:

  • Innovations in window and door glass coatings and insulated glazing assemblies enable today's windows to provide excellent energy efficiency, clarity and performance. Two of the most important innovations are double glazing and Low-E glass.
  • Low-emissivity (Low-E) door and windows feature glass that has a thin coating on the glass within its airspace that reflects thermal radiation or inhibits its emission reducing heat transfer through the glass.

Why should I buy Low-E windows?

There are many reasons why you should consider using Low-E glass windows:

  • Low-E glass - is an energy-efficient, high performance glass. Therefore architects, builders, and homeowners have the freedom to incorporate larger window and glass areas in their designs, without the resulting excessive energy costs.
  • Reduce Heat Loss in Winter - Low-E glass reduces radiant heat transfer and reflects interior heat back into the room, not back outside.
  • Reduce Heat Gain in Summer - Low-E glass reduces the flow of hot outside air into the cooler interior of your house in the summer.
  • Lower Utility Bills - Low-E glass helps reduce the amount of heating and cooling energy needed to keep a house at a comfortable temperature. That means furnace and air-conditioning systems work less and that can add up to significant energy savings.
  • Reduction of UV Rays - Low-E glass significantly reduces transmission of the sun's damaging ultraviolet rays, one of the leading causes of premature fading and degradation of fabrics, upholstery and carpeting.
  • Comfort - No one enjoys sitting near a cold, drafty window in winter. Low-E glass works to raise the inside glass surface temperature in winter. This can help to minimize cold spots and keep you more comfortable.
  • Minimized Condensation - Low-E glass helps keep the inside glass surface temperature warmer, therefore providing a more comfortable, higher humidity level with greatly reduced condensation and fogging.
  • Larger Window Areas - Low-E glass is an energy-efficient, high performance glass, architects, builders, and homeowners have the freedom to incorporate larger window and glass areas in their designs, without the resulting excessive energy costs.
Doors & Windows Glass
Doors & Windows Glass
Doors & Windows Glass